Why Dog Breeders And Cat Breeders Should Join Life's Abundance
How Are Your Dog's Teeth? Did You Know There Is An Easy Way To Help Your Dog With Their Dental Hygiene?

Do You Own A Pet Sitting Business Or A Dog Walking Business? Find Out Why You Should Join Life's Abundance

Do you own a pet sitting or dog walking business? As former pet sitters and dog walkers, we know first hand that you can have a lot of LONG days! Holidays were really just a NONSleepAThon for us followed by a few weeks of drought because people had been on vacation for the holiday. We had decided to not hire on additional pet sitters but that left us with a salary cap. There are only so many hours in the day that we could pet sit and charging our customers more was not an option. After serious research and consideration, we became Life's Abundance distributors and the rest is history.

We invite you to watch the video below and if you are looking for a way to earn an ongoing income, visit our Life's Abundance website and join our team. Let us work with you on how to integrate Life's Abundance into your pet sitting or dog walking business!

Join Our Life's Abundance Team Today!

Enjoy your day!
Lisa and Rich Jelinek


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Healthy Pet Peeps

Hi James!

Sorry, but currently we are only in the United States. Should that change, we will let you know.

James Rusper

What a really great idea! Are they in Australia?

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