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Thanksgiving Tips For Your Pup!

Happy Thanksgiving! Of all the holidays, Thanksgiving is surely a canine favorite. There's abundant food, there's full gatherings of friends and family, and did we mention the food?
The downside is much of the bounty you'll be serving at your feast doesn't jibe too well with a dog's digestive system. Sure, they'll enjoy it in the moment, but there can be some serious side effects to all the sneaky feeding of scrumptious table scraps.
Fortunately, we have some food for though. You'll learn about some of the incredibly tasty and oh-so-nourishing alternative foods and treats your dog is sure to love. After all, we all want this Thanksgiving to be the best it can be for your beloved pup-pup.
Thanksgiving For Your Pet www.HealthyPetPeeps.com
Thanksgiving For Your Pets www.HealthyPetPeeps.com
Shop For Life's Abundance Products www.HealthyPetPeeps.com

Enjoy your day!
Lisa and Rich Jelinek


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