4 Tips To Help Your Dog Or Cat Lose Weight
Can Your Dog Sense Your Emotions?

The Life's Abundance Difference! Never Recalled Dog And Cat Foods, Treats, Supplements And Pet Care Products.

The Life's Abundance Difference! Never Recalled Dog And Cat Foods  Treats  Supplements And Pet Care Products. www.HealthyPetPeeps.com

What makes Life's Abundance dog and cat foods better than commercial foods?

Life's Abundance has had NO RECALLS EVER!

Life's Abundance has been in business since 1999.

Life's Abundance currently has 6 warehouses to make shipping to you as quick as possible.

Life's Abundance dry dog and cat foods are generally shipped within 6 weeks of being made. They don't sit in non climate controlled warehouses or semi trailers for months before hitting the store shelves.

Life's Abundance dry dog and cat foods are made in small batches. 

Shopping for dog and cat foods can be time-consuming and confusing. Life's Abundance has you covered whether you're looking for the best food for your small or large breed puppy, the best dog food to to help your dog lose weight, of if you're trying to avoid specific dog food or cat food allergens. For those of you with kitties if you're looking for the best foods for kittens, or if you’re trying to avoid specific cat food for sensitive stomachs, Life's Abundance has you covered in every way! 

Become a Life's Abundance wholesale customer www.HealthyPetPeeps.com

Plus you can conveniently shop for your dog and cat foods and add treats, supplements and pet care products to your order oftentimes without increasing shipping costs.

The Life's Abundance Difference! Never Recalled Dog And Cat Foods  Treats  Supplements And Pet Care Products - www.HealthyPetPeeps.com

Maybe you’ve heard about Life's Abundance holistic dog and cat foods. Maybe you saw us in a list of Best Dog Food Brands or list of Best Cat Food Brands.

Maybe you’re just trying to decide for yourself, what is the best dog food or best cat food? We want you to know that our brand doesn’t just mean safe dog and cat foods, it also means premium dog and cat foods and it means healthy dog and cat food.

No matter the formula, every Life’s Abundance dog and cat food represents the best we have to offer. For example, Life's Abundance best puppy foods are formulated to meet the nutritional requirements of all life stages!

To help you decide what’s the best dog or cat foods, use our handy charts to compare them and see how Life's Abundance measures up the competition. You can go directly to our site and view other specific dog and cat food comparisons here.

Compare Dog Food Brands www.Health4UandPets.com

Compare Cat Food Brands www.Health4UandPets.com

To be the best dry dog and cat food, Life's Abundance premium kibble does NOT contain …

• No artificial flavors or colors
• No corn, wheat or corn/wheat glutens

Life's Abundance dog and cat foods are more nutrient-rich. Most importantly, remember that while leading brands stockpile tons of food for months on end, our healthy dog and cat food is made in frequent batches and remains in our care until it is shipped to your doorstep. When you buy Life’s Abundance dog or cat food, your furry loved one will benefit from our strict inventory controls and product safety considerations that are second-to-none. 

SPECIAL: Autoship pricing is our best pricing. If you'd like to be our new customer to try the products and not be on autoship, we have a special for you!

Simply CLICK HERE, fill out the form and we can set you up as a wholesale customer. This means you'll receive our preferred customer autoship pricing without having to be on an autoship. This is handy for those that want to save money but aren't sure of their autoship schedule.

Once we set up your account, you'll receive an email directly from Life's Abundance. Click on the link in the email and set up your password. The pricing you see will automatically reflect our autoship pricing. For future orders, you'll always receive our same autoship pricing when you sign into your account to order. If you'd like to select autoship later down the road, you can do that too. Whatever is most convenient for you!

Purchase Healthy Products For Your Dog And Cat Food

Enjoy your day!
Lisa and Rich Jelinek


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